Focus Question: What is meant by "lesson development using technology"?
When I initially looked at this question I was very confused. It had never crossed my mind that a teacher could use technology, prior to reading this chapter, in their lesson plans. Boy, was I wrong I loved the example at the beginning of the chapter, where the author goes on to explain different ways one can weave technology in, as a tool, in their lesson plans. (Those examples helped a lot because the idea still couldn't register with me.)Anyway, this portion of the chapter explained the process of lesson planning with technology.
Step 1: What to teach (Academic Content)
Step 2: How to teach (teaching goals, methods, and procedures)
Step 3: How to know what students have learned (Learning Assessments)
All in all, lesson planning with technology doesn't seem as boring now! I'm so glad that lesson planning is much more than just scheduling. :)
Tech Tools:
Once again the tech tools in this book never seem to fail me. (I hate to admit, but usually I never read the "extra" stuff in other textbooks, but this book is just so helpful I always feel like I have to read them.) My favorite tech tool was the one that dealt with rubrics and quizzes. I actually went and searched the websites provided and those resources are actually things I would use throughout my career; I'm super excited!
Chapter 3 mainly explained creative ways on how teachers can use technology to plan, deliver, and assess their lesson plans. The book gave two samples lessons that dealt with were student learning objectives and understanding by design (UBD). I learned that these two techniques are the opposite of test and performance assessments.
Lesson planning can be a bit prescriptive, but the creativity each teacher brings and the enhancement of technology makes it come alive! This is just a foundation, so there is more to come - stay excited about it! :)