Focus Question:
What and where are differnet types of educational websites availlable to teachers on the internet?
An educational website - a source of Internet-based difital content specifically designed to support the learning of K-12 curriculum. I personally feel that every type of teacher can benefit from these sources, if they are used properly and productively.
There are six major types pf educational websites:
1. Lesson plan websites
2. Student-to-expert websites
3. Real-time and recorded data websites
4. Archival and primary source websites
5. Skills/practice websites
6. Exploration and discovery websites
Tech Tool:
All 3 Tech Tools that the author shared with us in Chapter 6 are great resources, however, my favorite tool was the social bookmarking. (I didn't know that that's what they were called; I learned something new!) Anyway, I will be honest and admit that my decision was very bias. :) When Professor Coleman introduced my technology class to Delicious, I fell in love with the tool right away! Before being informed that social bookmarking existed, I was the type to lose and forget where I found useful inforamtion. It was super frustrating. Delisoius, along with other tools that are similar to it, not only help me save my favorite sites, it also helps me organize them. Delicious provides "organizational tabs", as I like to call them, which help categorize your sources by how you name them. I honestly thought that Delicious would be a tool that I would only use un Technolgy class, but but it's become a part of my life.
Chapter 6 basically taught me about management. I personally become overwhelmed with the amount of resources that are readily available for the world to use! (Sometime, I don't even know where to begin, but I'm getting better since I started taking this class.) I tend to lose/forget which resource I found first end up in this tedious cycle of trying to find my starting point. I was taught how bookmarking, socail bookmarking, and information alerts can further help teachers with keeping and organizing valuable information. I was also introduced to WebQuests and virtual fieldtrips; these tools extended our knowledge about how to utilize the web to make our students get into an inquiry about specific topics, instead of just feeding them the information. (They'll go on a quest to find the inforamtion on their own.) All in all, Chapter 6 was fun because I got my feet wet with WebQuests; it looks like something I'll use when I become a teacher.
Delicious is a gift for online web site management, but it has so much more power in working with students and collaborating with others, too! Continue to explore and save those great websites with relevant and personal tags.